Friday, April 16, 2010

watering the flowers.

Daughter and I spend a lot of time outside while Son naps. I don't park my car under the carport so we have extra shade to play in. Yesterday, after sidewalk chalk fun, Daughter helped me water the two rose bushes and the purple flowers in the front yard flower bed.

filling up her watering cup
watering the purple flowers. I have no idea what they are, they came with the house.
one of the buds on the freshly watered rose bush.
Please don't get excited about my abilities to grow roses. These are Pink Knock Out Roses. Basically if you go to a nursery and say, "I'm a horrible gardener. What flower can I put in the dirt and never have to do another thing to again?" You'll hear, "knock out roses."

I don't know if that's actually true, but after after two years of doing nothing but watering them when it hasn't rained in a week and weed eating around them, they are still alive.

Daughter loves these little tasks. She gets such a kick out of saying, "I do all by self." And then telling Husband about it later. Yesterday she said, "Daddly, I wa-der pur-pul flours all by self." She also led him outside to see our sidewalk chalk drawings. She's fun.


Erin Caden Rogers said...

I love watering with my little buddy! It always takes us forever! But, I love how he is so very diligent watering each and every plant;)

laurensmommy said...

Hmmm... Lauren needs some plants to water! I miss our house!!

Do you know of any good plants that will grown in pots? Maybe those would count? :)

Nicki said...

Awwww, that's so cute!

Good to know about knock-out roses. We'll be looking for kill-proof green things to go in our back yard if/when we get the paperwork going on the new house we want. :)

I didn't inherit my mother's green thumbs ... instead I have my aunt's thumbs of destruction. ;)