I knew it was coming.
Daughter has talked about it.
Husband and I have had to remind her quite a few times in the last few weeks that Mommy is the only one who cuts hair and scissors are just for paper.
still, I/we knew it was coming.
And there is no one to blame but myself. I have her safety scissors out on the office desk because that's where I have my practice yarn for learning new crochet stitches while watching youtube. Laziness. I should have put them out of reach.
Daughter announced, "Mommy, my hair on de floor. I did it ALL BY MYSELF."

I asked her why she cut her own hair: "I don't know."
I reminded her that only Mommy cuts hair. "I know dat"
I asked her what she is allowed to cut: "I only cut paper."
I wish.
Ahh, the joys of growing up. I hope you are archiving your blog somewhere! These will be such wonderful stories to read/share in the years to come....I'm thinking you'll need to pull this one out for a future boyfriend. ;-)
Welcome to the club! You may have a few more of these haircuts in your future. Watch baby brother because his hair will be so tempting.
I got my first real spanking for cutting my own hair. Mom says it was because I lied about it, but I know the truth. I'm glad she stopped with just a little bit.
I think I cut my own hair too, and seem to remember your husband trying to. LOL!!
I think every kid goes through that. :)
Oh man, I held my breath on this post! lol! You're right, it could have been a lot worse.
She wants to be like mommy. Find a garage sale doll and let her have a go at it and get it out of her system. And then show us the picture of how it could have "how bad it could have really been."
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