Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: disguised


bpeterson said...

All in the name of protecting me from my future husband! This is one of my all-time favorite Christy and Susan stories! Eric got a big kick out of it when I told him, too!

Christy Ross said...

you wanted to go off to New York and meet up with someone we didn't know ... how did you expect us to act? NOT make a 60 second panty liner disguise?

bpeterson said...

It's true! I think one of the main reasons you got me the travel guide for NYC is so I would know all about where the police stations were!

Mandy Mc said...

HAHAHA!!! I LOVE it. Can we go back and do it again? Just for a week. I miss these folks.

The Three Little Bears said...


Hi, If you have already added this link to your blogroll, you may have to do it again as some readers have been having issues due to the privacy setting on it. Adding it again should fix that.


Formerly Hot Belly Mama