My sister and brother-in-law got Daughter a pretty fantastic jumperoo for her first Christmas when she was a mere 3 months old. some days she loved it and would play and jump until she fell asleep in it, other days she was less interested.
We left it up for an entire year. until Christmas 2008. When I was getting out all of the Christmas stuff and putting away stuff to make room for Christmas stuff, I made the decision to retire the jumperoo. Daughter hadn't been in it in weeks and was more interested in running around than jumping at the time.
In April, I was cleaning and getting rid of things to make room for Son and I found the jumperoo. I decided to hang it up again and see if Daughter still had love for the jumperoo. she lovedLOVEDloved it.
She spun.
She jumped.
She spun.
She laughed.
She spun.
She threw her head back and closed her eyes with glee.
She spun.
and she threw up.
so out she went to clean her and the jumperoo out. Daughter was not happy. She didn't think a little barf was enough reason to stop playing in the jumperoo. After the jumperoo was laundered, I let her back in it, thinking the throw up was a fluke and surely she wouldn't do it again.
She played until she got sick. and again was mad when she had to get out. That night, jumperoo was hidden again and quickly forgotten. That was April.
I got it out two days ago while Daughter was taking a nap, to see if Son liked it. not so much yet. I, with my perpetual thoughtlessness, forgot to put the jumperoo back in the closet after we were finished. That night, Daughter discovers the jumperoo, which we now call the barf-o-matic.
What the hey. it's been 4 months. let's let her play in the barf-o-matic. she loves jumping and spinning. and apparently barfing. I hate that her favorite toy makes her lose her lunch/dinner/snack/breakfast.
What would you do if something you loved to do made you throw up all the time?

Son, not really enjoying jumperoo
fun. fun. fun. all these pictures were pre-barf, of course.
1 comment:
really, is there anything better than a jumparoo and some baby legs? :) Watch out for when ROS is older, you'll be taking her to every theme park in the country so she can ride all the barf-o-matic rides!!
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