This is the half of the mantel that has the stockings on it.
(side note: I find it a little weird that Husband and I still have stockings up. I mean, my parents didn't have stockings when I was growing up.)
Anyway, Husband's is the green one with the pewter nutcracker holder. Mine is the red one with the pewter angels holder. I got our stockings at World Market for our first Christmas (5 years ago)
Daughter's stocking is the red one with a Santa and a reindeer on the Santa holder.
Son's stocking is the green one with a snowman and a polar bear on the snowman holder.
I got their stockings at Wal-mart 3 years ago (yes, I bought Son's before he was ever born. Actually there is another green one just in case. I didn't want a big family with non-matching stockings. oh the horrorz) I found the matching stocking holders on ebay for $2 each. (there is no third stocking holder)

I asked Husband to choose a few nativity scenes to put on the other side of the mantel.
I love the way he put Baby Jesus in the middle but then had no regard for the placement of the other characters.

Very pretty. Love the matching stockings!
"I love the way he put Baby Jesus in the middle but then had no regard for the placement of the other characters."
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