Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Another Dining Room decoration: Borax Snowflakes

The kids LOVE snow. I like snow.  So when I found this borax snowflakes tutorial on pinterest, I was excited to try it with the kids.  Plus, I already had everything I needed to do it.  (hurray for leftover borax when making homemade laundry detergent!!)

What to do:

  • boil enough water to fill up enough pint sized mason jars so each snowflake has its own jar
  • while the water is heating up, mold your pipe cleaners.  (I used white, but colored pipe cleaners would give you colored snowflakes) I used two pipe cleaners per snow flake.
  • put 1/3 cup of borax in each jar
  • when water boils, pour water in each jar and stir to dissolve borax.
  • put snowflake in the jar and suspend with string and a pencil on the top of the jar.
  • wait.  like overnight (or all day if you do what I did and make them before breakfast)
  • remove from jars and hang/place where ever.

one of mine in the jar.  I took a lot of "during" pictures in the jar, but it was hard to tell much was going on, so I'll spare you.

after. closeup.
all of the afters, hanging on the light fixture in the dining room.
I made 12 and the kids LOVE them.  Even though most of them look like flowers instead of snowflakes, I like them too.

I have one more dining room decoration idea.  spoiler alert: it's paper cut out snowflakes to go on the wall.  I'm pretty sure my scissor loving kids with love that project!

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