Monday, April 5, 2010

Nativity Scene: BONE

FEAR NOT: this ends the nativity scene series. Thanks for enduring through. I really enjoy each and every set, for many reasons and I loved getting to share them. Again, thanks for the indulgence.

This set I bought in Mexico and was carved out of bone. And then detailed with gold paint. It really is pretty cool to look at, albeit a little macabre.

This is the newspaper that they were wrapped in when I bought them. I was in Mexico on January 6(ish), 2005, so the paper was a few months old at the time.

the whole set, 11 pieces
This may be my favorite piece. A sheep, possibly. Well, a sheep that looks like a poodle. :-)
This is a only markings on any of the pieces. I'm sure it's just a vendor identification from the market I bought it from.

the end. Thanks for enjoying what I think is amazing art (and much more).


bpeterson said...

That was a GREAT day!

Megan said...

I've enjoyed the nativity scene saga. :-) Also, I LOVE the sheepoodle!