First the lower level balcony.
Two older ladies were talking to Daughter here.
The front row lower level balcony chairs right behind Daughter is where Husband and I sat the first time we came to see It's a Wonderful Life together.

Son, still confined. ready for action

Daughter climbed ALL the way to the TOP of the theatre and this is the seat she picked.

the view of the stage from the top row of the theatre

Son, released and trying to get in the projection room.

3/4 ... not too bad. sitting on the stairs playing. I felt pretty lucky that there wasn't really anyone else in the upper balcony with us and the kids could run around without being in anyone's way.
I'm sure Husband is either telling Daughter about the theatre's history or explaining how jumping from the top isn't a good idea.

Daughter making a "snowman" in the lobby of the lower balcony.
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