my favorite jeans. they sit in my closet. missing me.

TOTAL inches lost:
Hips: -2 1/2
Waist: -2 1/4
Thigh: -1
Arm: same or actually 1/8 inch bigger. depending on if you're looking at my measurement or Husband's. maybe my arms are a little bigger. I can tell a slight difference in muscle tone. (wow, I love the weight bench)
Clothes differences:
I've gone down a cup size in my bras. So instead of having ridiculously extremely large breasts, they are currently just extremely large. (I also miss my pregnancy bras)
I tried on the size smaller jeans and they zip and button but because of a slight muffin top, I'm still declaring them "too small to wear in public"
My current "problem" area seems to be the area under my belly button. (Thanks, two c-sections). But, as Husband points out, I am seeing results. For instance when I first started working out, I could do TWO decline sit ups on the weight bench. Now I am doing 75 (and adding more every week) So those muscles are improving and for that I'm excited.
I've been really consistent with the elliptical. For every workout the last 3 weeks I've burned an average for 422 calories for every 30 minute workout. That's definitely enough to feel the much missed "runner's high" It's also enough to make my knees ache like I have been running on concrete for 30 minutes a day 5-6 times a week.
To try to get a little more life out of my running shoes, I got some "Sport" insoles. Maybe they can buy me a few more weeks while I search for coupons for a good deal on new running shoes.
It's going pretty well. I can tell the most difference around my rib cage. And it's definitely exciting to see results.
My diet hasn't changed too dramatically. I'm still drinking coffee (with sugar) on the weekends. And I had a binge on crusty bread last week. I ate almost a half a loaf in an entire good. I definitely gorged myself and satisfied that urge for awhile!
My favorite snack right now is a half a serving of wheat thins and a laughing cow cheese wedge. (sometimes I double it and add a fruit and it becomes an entire meal)
Those are some seriously cute jeans. You must wear them again!
I have to agree with Lee...the jeans are worth it- they are so cute! :)
But seriously, I am really proud of you! Good job! Keep up the good work. I'm inspired!! Maybe I can talk Jason into getting an elliptical!!
Sarah, start checking Craigslist in your area. I found lots of "like new" ones for about $50. Just none in MY area.
I remember the day we took that picture! Good job, CA!
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