First, Husband surprised me yesterday by writing his first post to the blog. I was slightly shocked that it was only 4% inappropriate. He does have quite a way with words.
Second, we took over 400 pictures on Sunday. I managed to get it narrowed down the 20 for this post.
After breakfast we asked Daughter where she would like to go on an adventure and she said, "LI-BERRY" unfortunately, we'd have to drive 45 minutes to get to a library that's open on Sunday. So I asked if the "see-saw park" would be a good idea. (We identify parks by distinguishing features. The park by our house is the "purple dinosaur park" and the park in the city I grew up in is "mommy park" -- it also has a purple dinosaur)
Both kids started cheering. We got dressed and off we went. Windows down. Heaven.
crawling with Baby


Those two crossed the creek for some Daddy/Daughter see-sawing.
Over the winter, the Parks Board put cross ties and pebbles around all the play equipment. Daughter picked out all the meteors. (yes, seriously) Here she is showing off the "meteors" she found.

Three of my favorite 6 blue eyes. (I'm the only one in the family with green eyes. I'm also the only one in the family not wearing horizontal stripes at the park)

swinging with a new friend. This little girl told me all kinds of stories about how they are staying with Darlene because they can't go back to their house because Daddy hits Mommy in the mouth and makes her bleed. Broke my heart. It also broke my heart that whoever took them to the park stayed in the car the entire time leaving the 5 year old and her 3 year old little brother to fend for themselves.
On a happier note: Son did fantastic in the regular swing.

I'm glad I don't beat you.
If you ever went insane and tried it, you'd only try it once.
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