It's true. On jackets, blazers, sometimes in my hair. On a purse once. To hold a scarf. where ever.
And I love finding them. New York & Co., thrift stores, flea mall, antique stores. And most recently Hobby Lobby.
This is my favorite jacket of the season and my favorite pin to wear on it. I found the pin at Hobby Lobby for $3.

My second favorite jacket of the season. with another Hobby Lobby pin for $3.

My drawer of pins and broaches from my jewelry cabinet.

This one is my absolute favorite, but I don't think I've ever actually worn it ANYWHERE. Every time I put it on something I think it's beautiful, but too big so I replace it with the one to its left in the above picture.

love them! I have the little black one with the jewels around it...I think mine is from NY & Co.?
I know what you mean about the sparkly one...I "inherited" some from my grandmothers that are beautiful, but then I feel self conscious wearing them. :)
YES, I'm pretty sure at least 3 of them came from NY & Co. I used to get SO much of my jewelry from there. They are/were always having jewelry sales.
So pretty! :-)
LOVE the collection! i think that the purse i'm knitting is going to need a broach. maybe you can help me find/pick one!
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